5 Things You Must Know Before Making Shipment From China To Amazon FBA

 Shipping from China to Amazon FBA signifies the most popular and prevailing e-commerce business strategy employed today. It may not sound straightforward, but you must believe that you will clearly understand the gist of it once you read the following account.

As you are aware that Amazon is the most comprehensive e-commerce site globally, so sellers on Amazon, be they newbies or experienced, have the sole aim to find the best selling products available. They intend to ship the products at Amazon linked FBA warehouses at the cheapest overheads to earn high-profit margins.

Here, you can find the five things that you must get to know before going for your maiden Chinese venture:

1. Product verification conforming to the US standards

While shipping from China to FBA, you must always confirm whether products are manufactured as per industry standard or not. There is a possibility that patent laws secure some products. It may then prohibit the sale on the Amazon selling platform. However, in most of the cases, the big traders in China often meet the legalities.

Trade violations are rare. Despite all stringent checks, if a specific product category is found wanting, it can be sorted out at the supplier end. The problem occurs when the defective product is shipped to the US warehouse. In that case, there is no option but to destroy the whole inventory.

2. Consideration of offer price period

Consumers often come across the tag line on the offer of a brand product that the price is valid till such period. It amply satisfies the buyer that at least the price will remain constant for specific months. The consumers than only concern themselves with the fluctuations in the exchange rates. It happens because of a hike in the cost of inputs. Therefore, if the offer is not predetermined, the Amazon sellers may have to pay a higher price for a particular brand.

Logistics also plays a vital role for importers who want to involve in product shipping from China to FBA. Often the positive product vibes turn negative with a 50% rise in the cost of production. It may be fatal as the Amazon sellers only consider the purchase price and overlook the shipping costs, forwarding charges, and customs charges.

3. A good manufacturer should have a good supplier base

Amazon sellers in the US often think that the Chinese manufacturer has transferred the products into the supplier's safe hands. The role of the intermediaries (suppliers) cannot be ignored as manufactures are never directly accessible. So, it is in your interest to form a good rapport with the agents who should be both strong and trustworthy. It is quite necessary because a small seller on an e-commerce platform will never interact with a large scale manufacturer. The middlemen will introduce the newbies to reputed forwarding agents for shipping from China to Amazon FBA.

4. Product knowledge and verification

The aspiring marketers in the US must have adequate knowledge about the products and their manufacturers and suppliers. Learning technical things about Chinese products is always beneficial to market the brand items on Amazon. It works wonders during your PPC product campaigns, where you have to address product qualities to the target audience.

A seller on Amazon should focus his attention, especially on electronic products, because you may not be able to detect the defects in them instantly. You may discover the imperfection long after the shipment is over. However, there would be no choices left to set everything in order.

5. Comparison between country standards to be discouraged

The American technology of product manufacturing may not be compatible with that of China. Being an American, shipping from China to Amazon FBA is undoubtedly a remarkable idea, but you should always clarify the Chinese suppliers' product quality. The Chinese quality standards may vary from what you have known till now.

You can make sure your quality expectations about Chinese products are validated with Amazon brand Registry organic search to get the desired results. It saves your time and energy, and you can further proceed to store your shipment to Amazon FBA for fulfilling your dream. 


Plenty of products on Amazon's e-commerce site are from China. Chinese products have found their identity all over the world due to this vast online business platform. The beginners on this business site would like to know how to source Chinese products to Amazon FBA and interact with the Chinese suppliers to reap rich dividends.

China freight agency is an ideal business alternative for aspiring American entrepreneurs to venture into the Chinese market for toss import Chinese brands to America. For any query, you can call them at their registered telephone numbers.


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